Rickettson Sugar House

Rickettson's offers a variety of goods for purchase, including maple syrup, maple cream, apparel, and our very own brand of "Sweet Ricks' Maple Garlic BBQ Sauce", born right here in the sugar house kitchen!

Available at select restaurants and stores, or direct purchase, we guarantee you've never had anything like it!

Main Phone:(585) 409-5141
Mailing Address:3736 Humphrey Road
North Java, NY

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Rickettson's offers a variety of goods for purchase, including maple syrup, maple cream, apparel, and our very own brand of "Sweet Ricks' Maple Garlic BBQ Sauce", born right here in the sugar house kitchen!

Available at select restaurants and stores, or direct purchase, we guarantee you've never had anything like it!

Where are we located?

Rickettson Sugar House

3736 Humphrey Road
North Java, NY

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